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Scotland Panel

Working with the Insight and Policy team, this volunteer-led group provides strategic advice to Government, responds to consultations, delivers thought leadership and develops position statements and other materials within their fields of expertise.

If you would like to find out more on the roles and responsibilities of the group, become a member or have any questions, please get in touch with us today at


Dr Carol Marsh

Carol is Deputy Head of Electronics at Leonardo and has worked in the field of electronics for over 35 years, specializing in programmable logic. Carol is Chair of the IET Council, Past Chair of IET Scotland, Past Chair of the SSELN, Member of the Members and Professional Development Board, the Audit and Risk Committee and the Nominations and Succession Committee, and is a PRA, PRI, Mentor and Fellow Assessor.

Outside the IET, Carol is a Member of the Engineering Climate Conference Committee, and Past President of the Women’s Engineering Society (WES). She is the winner of 7 technology and diversity awards and in 2020 Carol was awarded an OBE for Diversity and Inclusion in Electronic Engineering. 


Alan Adamson

Alan progressed as an electrician via the SELECT electrical apprenticeship scheme through to the supervision and management of MEICA work scopes. He spent several formative years in the territorial army (now Army Reserve) Royal Engineers providing front line solutions all around the world. 

Alan recently completed a BEng(Hons) in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, consolidating and developing a multitude of learning points. During this time he discovered a passion for encouraging engineers across all ages and levels, working in schools and STEM charities to developing graduates and volunteering within the IET.


Martin Belshaw

Martin has over 40 years of experience designing and managing process control systems, networks and systems integration projects in the energy sector. He has particular expertise in fault-tolerant process controls, safety systems and control room re-instrumentation.

A former technical director with international contracting and engineering company Semco Maritime, Martin is a chartered engineer and President of the Institute of Measurement and Control (InstMC).

Additionally, he is a member of the Engineering Accreditation Board, as an industrialist. He is a partner in an innovative Edinburgh Techno Company (digital technology), and a part-time lecturer at Robert Gordon University.

Harry Boyce

Harry is a Chartered Electronic Engineer with over 20 years’ experience in delivering and supporting air traffic management systems. He has been an active member of the IET since 1994.

In his current role at NATS as service delivery manager, Harry is accountable for communications, navigation, and military applications for all UK airspace.

For ten years prior to that he was a senior project manager at NATS, delivering a variety of large-scale projects including airspace design, mechanical and electrical projects, and implementing safety critical software.

Harry has been a STEM Ambassador since 2013 and has worked on multiple STEM initiatives with schools and Education Scotland.

Dr Elaine Clafferty

Brigit Coleman-Green

Brigit is a Chartered Engineer Project Manager with 8+ years experience within the defence and maritime environment.

She has a BSc in Mathematics and Psychology and an MSc in Civil Engineering. She is currently working for the Submarine Delivery Agency within the Dreadnought Supply and Support Team as the lead for infrastructure.

Her previous roles include planning and executing maintenance periods for Royal Navy Nuclear Submarines, supporting Reliability Centred Maintenance facilitation and implementation of maintenance management systems across vessels and shore establishments.

Wendy Findlay

Wendy is a Chartered Mechanical Engineer, who served nearly 20 years in the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers (REME).

Afterwards, Wendy joined First Bus, becoming the Fleet Engineer for First Bus Glasgow. As a female engineer, Wendy has always been keen to promote STEM careers to young people. In 2017 she became the Engineering Support Manager for EngineeringUK, running Big Bang Science and Engineering fairs across Scotland.

Wendy now works for ESP assisting Scotland’s colleges and 13 Regional STEM partnerships to coordinate STEM activity aligned with local skills needs. She chairs the STEM Leads’ Forum and is secretary of Scotland’s STEM Partnership Steering Group. ESP delivers FIRST® LEGO® League for the IET across Scotland.

David Flynn

David is a Professor of Cyber Physical Systems at the University of Glasgow. Professor Flynn is an internationally recognised and award-winning expert in energy systems, prognostics, and cyber-physical systems.

He is an advisor to industry, national and international governments on cyber-physical infrastructure and systems. David is a co-founder of the UKs EPSRC National Centre for Energy System Integration (CESI), has published over 185 publications, holds several international patents, and is the co-founder of two companies.

He is a Visiting Professor at Heriot-Watt University, Eminent Overseas Professor of Nagasaki University and the Vice-Chair of IET Scotland.  

Professor Gareth Harrison

Professor Gareth Harrison is Bert Whittington Chair of Electrical Power Engineering and Deputy Head of the School of Engineering at the University of Edinburgh.

His research is focused on renewable energy integration within energy systems, and he has built a reputation for the application of meteorological modelling as well as use of optimisation methods for energy network operation and planning. He is Associate Director of the EPSRC National Centre for Energy Systems Integration.

Professor Harrison is a Chartered Engineer, a Fellow of the IET, a Senior Member of IEEE and an Affiliate of ACCA.

Erik MacEachern

Robin MacLaren

Alison McLeod

Alison has 20 years’ experience in academic, industrial and consultancy roles. After her PhD in Photonics she worked as a Research Associate before joining industry in the health physics and photonics sectors. Alison later moved to project management and proposal writing for EU funded projects.

Alison is Technology Scotland's Senior Programme Manager for Photonics. She is responsible for the Photonics Scotland network, connecting members with support, fostering cross-collaboration, representing sector interests to Government as well as running events and activities.

Dr Craig Michie

Andy Pearson

Andy is the Group Managing Director of Star Refrigeration Ltd. He is also President of Star’s US-based subsidiary, Azane Inc. Andy is President of the Institution of Engineers in Scotland (2020-2022).

He was also past-President of the Institute of Refrigeration (2010-2013). Andy is the current chairman of the Refrigeration Safety Technical Committee for the British Standards Institute (2014-present) and serves as a member of the mirror committees for the European Committee for Standardisation (CEN) and the International Standards Organisation (ISO) (2004-present).

Andy was a chapter lead author for the United Nations Environment Program’s Refrigeration Technical Options Committee (2006-2014) and contributed to several Technical & Economic Assessment Panel special reports.

He has provided technical support in expert witness cases and has spoken at conferences around the world. Andy has a PhD in Mechanical Engineering and is a Chartered Engineer.

Derek Young